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Showing posts from March, 2021

DC Generator Numericals


DC motor Numericals

 CTEVT 2076

Methods to Reduce Armature Reaction

 Methods to Reduce Armature Reaction By increasing the reluctance of the path of the cross magnetizing field. This can be achieved by increasing the air gap between rotor and stator. By using the compensating winding in series with the armature winding the effect of armature reaction can be reduced. By using special construction in which leading and trialing pole tip portions of laminations are alternately eliminated By shifting the carbon brushes. By using the interpoles.
 Transformer Numerical

Why transformer is rated in KVA and not in KW?

  Why transformer is rated in KVA and not in KW? The power delivered by the source is given by √3*V*I*cosΦ. For the same value of current, the power delivered depends on the power factor of the load i.e. cosΦ. Transformer being the appliance that provide power to the load, manufacturers do not know the type of load that will be connected to the transformer. So they simply design and rate the transformer according to its maximum voltage and current that it can safely handle considering unity power factor. Transformer rating KW नभई किन KVA हुन्छ ? कुनै पनि transformer ले supply गर्ने  power भनेको  √3*V*I*cosΦ. Voltage र current लाई constant मन्ने हो भने transformer ले supply गर्ने power भनेको power factor ( cosΦ )मा depend हुन्छ!  Transformer भनेको load  लाई Power supply  गर्ने यन्त्र भएको हुनाले एस्मा कस्तो load  जोदिन्छ transformer  बनौने कम्पनी लाई थाहा हुन्न । त्यसैले कम्पनी ले स्वत transformer  ले धन्न सक्ने maximum voltage र current ...